The Penguin: the five most iconic on-screen appearances
Celebrating one of the Dark Knight’s greatest enemies.

It’s a good time to be a Batman fan. Or, more accurately, a fan of the Caped Crusader’s extensive rogues gallery.
Not only is there a new Joker movie on the horizon, but Matt Reeves’s highly-anticipated villain-centric spin-off series, The Penguin, is almost upon us. In anticipation, we’re looking back at the on-screen history of the diminutive crime boss and counting down the top five most memorable Penguin portrayals.
5 - Batman: Arkham City (2011)

Played By: Nolan North
The Penguin first appeared in the pages of Detective Comics #58, way back in 1941. It’s always difficult to come up with a new spin on a character that’s been around for so long, to make them feel fresh, so the Arkham games have to get credit for managing to do just that.
The version of the Penguin we see here has a much harder edge than most. He’s a ruthless, street-level gang leader with, for some reason, a Cockney accent, his hands strapped up, his monocle replaced with the end of a glass bottle.
But under the surface there’s not much more going on. He’s mostly just there to cackle and throw minions at the player, until it’s time to punch him in the face. A fun take, but not as memorable as some.
4 - Batman (1966)

Played By: Burgess Meredith
The first on-screen portrayal of everyone’s favourite monocled mastermind, this version is pure comic book camp. Legendary character actor Burgess Meredith (trainer Mickey in the Rocky films), imbues his Penguin with a gleeful eccentricity, rubbing his white-gloved hands, waggling his prosthetic nose, cigarette holder clamped constantly between his teeth.
He looks the part too, with his bright purple top hat and profusion of umbrellas. But this version’s biggest contribution has to be the Penguin’s iconic laugh - wah wah wah. Part quacking bird, part cackling maniac, it’s since become as essential a part of the character as his monocle.
Legend has it that Meredith came up with it purely by accident - as a non-smoker he was constantly choking on the smoke from his character’s cigarette, and it naturally evolved into that unique sound.
3 - Batman: The Animated Series (1992)

Played By: Tom Kenny
Perhaps the classic representation of Oswald Cobblepot, at least for those that grew up in the ‘90s and beyond. Think of the Penguin, and this is what you’ll see - a short, dumpy guy with a top hat, monocle and long, pointy nose.
He’s urbane, well-educated and absolutely loves a weapon hidden in an umbrella. Unlike most of Batman’s foes, this Penguin is perfectly sane; he’s just a dedicated criminal with a knack for elaborate plots.
The only thing that stops him ranking higher is his relative lack of classic episodes in the Batman animated series. As iconic as he is, he’s often overshadowed by more flamboyant villains like the Joker, Two-Face and Mr Freeze.
2 - The Batman (2022) & The Penguin (2024)

Played By: Colin Farrell
It certainly raised some eyebrows when Matt Reeves cast the inarguably handsome and charismatic Colin Farrell as the Penguin, of all people, in his 2022 reboot. But, like most of that film, it turned out to be a stroke of genius.
Transformed by masterful prosthetics, Farrell completely disappears into the role. He’s unrecognisable. And he completely steals every scene he’s in.
This version is more Tony Soprano than Burgess Meredith - sure, he wears a suit, but he’s a mobster through and through, sporting a thick New Jersey accent and some nasty facial scars. He’s a dangerous man, but he’s not without a sense of humour, and his sarcastic sparring with the Dark Knight is a constant highlight.
He’s a joy to watch. In fact, this version was such a success with fans (and the filmmakers) that he’s now getting his own miniseries, exploring his rise to power in Gotham’s underworld and bridging the gap between The Batman and its upcoming sequel.
1 - Batman Returns (1992)

Played By: Danny DeVito
DeVito turns in a truly unhinged performance as the grotesque, sewer-dwelling villain of Tim Burton’s blockbuster sequel.
Gone is the buttoned-down suit and the monocle - this version often wears nothing but soiled long johns. He waddles around, hunched and misshapen, devouring raw fish and oozing something nasty and black from his toothy mouth.
It’s the most monstrous that the Penguin has ever been, and yet he still retains his whimsical fondness for booby-trapped birds and grand, elaborate schemes. He also makes a great foil for secondary villain Catwoman, all sleek and athletic, and Batman himself, all glowering stoicism.
A truly iconic - if truly disgusting - creation, and probably the best version of the Penguin ever put on screen.
The Penguin airs every Friday at 9pm on Sky Atlantic, starting 20th September, and can be streamed from 2am the same day.